Friday, November 28, 2008


I've always been uncomfortable around bees and wasps, probably because I'd never been stung before the other day.
Since the sting I've discovered that my fear of flying things with stingers has escalated to a state of being petrified.
Smaller wasps I can control myself around, though I do freak out a little more now.
However, we have these huge wasps. They're almost the size of dragonflies. They're black and big and they love flying around offices and kitchens (the places I most often spend my time). I've never actually seen one outside.
I have been afraid of these since I saw the first one in my kitchen. I would just calmly leave the room/building if one showed up. Now, however, I absolutely cannot stand to be anywhere near them. I completely freak out and start shaking and whimpering. I look so silly, I'm sure, but I can't control myself! I am absolutely and completely petrified of these things.
I've never been afraid of anything in this manner.

Davona thinks it's funny.


Justin said...

I know what you mean! I'm not deathly afraid of them but the ones around here are crazy big! Neil was making fun of me the other day for trying to protect myself from a HUGE bee(probably the size of a golf ball). I'll pray that you somehow survive your time in huge-wasp-territory:) Oh and thanks again for the stuff you sent us! We ate the chocolate for Thanksgiving and it was delicious.

Anonymous said...

Ever since my first encounters with wasp/yellow jacket stings, i've been fairly wary of them, although the longer it's been since my last sting (the area of my sting gets swollen), the more bold i get lol.