Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Bad News

My roommate accidentally dropped my laptop, and it's completely ruined. I'll have to get a new one when I return to the U.S. next summer.
It's been a stressful last few days because of that. I have no communication with my friends and family now.
I can no longer log onto Skype, so don't call me.
I would love to receive letters, though!
I may or may not be able to log onto my blog for a while.
I will be able to check e-mail occasionally.
Please, please keep me in your prayers. I am discouraged right now. Also keep my laptop in your prayers. I really need a miracle at least to save my data. Saving the rest of the laptop would be nice, too!


rcpatch said...

Hey Katie, you may or may not remember me, but you tutored me in the TLC with Math last year. Anyways, I've been trying to follow friends SM blogs, and noticed you've been having some difficulties over in Africa. You are in my prayers! I'm so sorry to hear about your laptop. I know how hard it can be to feel as if you're cut off from society. Stay positive! God has a purpose for you. Keep your trust in Him, and He will continue to be near you and provide for you! Hope Everything else is going well!
Chris Patchett

Unknown said...

wow... that's so sad! feel free come over and use mine any time you like! for sure! i won't even charge you any shillings per hour deal, !! we need to get together more often anyway, :)

Anonymous said...

Hi Sweet Katie, I'm soooooooooo sorry about your laptop... I will pray that you can at least get your data off of it when you come home. Is there anyone you know of traveling from the States to Tanzania who could bring you a replacement??

I just read the comment from Chris, above this one, and had to smile because I grew up with his parents, and know his aunts and uncles, grandma, etc! I've never met him though... Small world! :)

I'll be praying for you! Love you,


Anonymous said...

Hi, Katie - I feel so badly for you. I had been married to Steve about 6 mos. New hubby,new state, surrounded by his children and grandchildren and even his children's mother and her husband! Steve wanted to upgrade my computer. In the process of upgrade the hard drive was wiped clean. Gone was the last shred of my life before Steve...the familiar stuff. I shed many tears! :} Is especially hard for you as that was your connection to family and friends. I'm praying for you and your computer! God is good! He has a plan.

Love & prayers, Crystal Johnson
(my mom and your grandmother are first cousins)