Thursday, September 25, 2008

A Sick Day

Unfortunately I contracted a very sore throat yesterday afternoon which worsened throughout the evening. I had a rough time sleeping last night, and woke up feeling a bit sickly. I went downstairs to feed the babies breakfast but came back upstairs to rest for most of the morning, expecting to return to feed them lunch at noon. Instead I slept until 2pm! I likely would have slept longer, except that one of my roommates woke me up to ask if I needed any soup made, concerned that she had not seen me all day. She is a very sweet Tanzanian lady (in her late twenties I suspect) who is here for a couple weeks on vacation from work.

I rested all day, venturing from my room once to make myself some soup. I read and slept and ate throat lozenges by the dozen. I finished my book, Pride & Prejudice by Jane Austen, just now and realized that my sore throat is nearly gone! My achiness is also much improved. I am feeling so much better, and excited to return to my precious babies tomorrow!

Thank you to all of you for your prayers!

1 comment:

Kevin said...

Katie! I'm SO happy that you are finally starting to feel better! i hope you get completely well soon! Those beautiful little children need your cheerful smile! :)