Sunday, September 21, 2008

Children in Africa

First, I must comment on the fact that I just had to shoo 2 monkeys out of my apartment! They climbed up the stairs and walked right in! I glanced up from what I was reading and saw them, but it took me a second to process that there were monkeys in my apartment!

All the children here seem to want attention. Not in a bratty or needy way, just in an innocent, simple way. It's so endearing. As we drive along the road (the one paved road in Usa River), children stare and wave. Reciprocating a wave or a smile just makes their little faces light up! Yesterday when we arrived at church we plopped down on the grass and this little girl, maybe about 3, came over and pressed herself right up against my side. She didn't move the whole service, or say anything. She just wanted to be as close to me as possible! When her mom took her away at the end of church, the poor girl screamed and cried. The children here at the orphanage are similar. Each of the babies/toddlers has its own personality, naturally, but many of them just want to be held. One girl sat on my lap for nearly an hour today. If I put her down she would cry, and if I walked away she would just bawl (even if it was just to help another child who had fallen, or take rocks out of a kid's mouth...the kids are constantly sticking rocks in their mouths. I don't get it). She had to be the center of my attention every second. If I picked up another child, she would cry. I happen to know that this girl was abandoned by her mother, and it was so sad to see her so clingy.

It is nice to know that I'm making a difference simply by loving these children. I have plenty of love to give!


jeffbeth1 said...

Hey Katie, sooo glad you made it safely> Beth and I got a good chuckle at your monkey friends in your room. We are enjoying reading your blog. Makes you seem not quite so far away. Beth would like to see your monkey photos. We are sitting watching Sunday night football- cowboy/packers. You are very brave and thoughtful to give a year of your life for the kids there. Thank you. We will keep following your blog. Love Ya Jeff & Beth

Anonymous said...

Hi Katie,
I love your blog. Great idea! Having a 16-month-old myself, I can say that they tend to put whatever they can in their mouths. Jaiden takes a binkie, so that prevents some items from entering his mouth, but, like your little sweeties there, he also seems to like rocks (and bottle tops, toy erasers, paper...). What a super-neat thing you're doing! It's so sweet that the little ones are not shy and want your affection. I'll keep checking your blog. Have a great experience. -Mrs. Cornette