Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Kenya and a Victory!

On Monday, March 23, I'm headed up to Kenya to Maxwell Adventist Academy (just outside Nairobi) for a week or two. I'll be tutoring algebra for students who aren't passing the class. I love math and I love traveling (plus I loved boarding school) so this trip should be a blast!

I had a wonderful God-given victory this morning. I went through a lot of work to process a work permit ahead of time for one of our volunteers so she wouldn't have to buy a tourist visa AND a work permit. The immigration office wouldn't fax the permit to the airport, so I showed up at the airport at 6:45 this morning, ready to greet our new volunteer, Julie. I fully expected a battle with immigration. Of course they want us to pay for both the tourist visa and the work permit, BUT the law doesn't say you have to have both. Yet. Regardless, if the officials simply decided they weren't going to accept the work permit, that would be the end of it. So before I left this morning I read about David's battles in 2 Samuel and prayed, "Lord, fight this battle for me!"

When I arrived at the airport, and immigration officer took the work permit from me (with a smile!) and processed it for Julie, then warmly welcomed us. I was shocked. God won the battle before I even arrived...I didn't have to do a thing! Praise Him!

Today I received letters from 2 of my dearest friends. That always brightens my week!

I'd love to hear from you. I'm on Facebook and Myspace, and I check my e-mail frequently. I'll try to respond if you send me a message!

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