Thursday, November 20, 2008

Katie + Rachel + Market = Fun Times

Today I decided to take Rachel into the market with me! The market is about a mile away (on Thursdays and Sundays) but it's easy to catch a dala-dala there for 150 shillings (about 12 cents).

It was my day off so my roommates and I sat at a local lodge and drank soda and played cards (we wanted to swim in the pool but the manager decided today that he wanted to charge us). I left the "party" early and headed back to Cradle of Love. I donned my African dress, which was a gift to myself for my 2-month anniversary of being in Africa. The locals loved seeing a mzungu in a traditional dress! I got many compliments and one ADRA worker told me I just needed to draw all over my body with a black marker and then I would truly be an "African lady!"

Before I begin, let me clarify...Rachel isn't really a baby...she's 2 years old. We as the volunteers just tend to call them all babies.

I must admit, Rachel is probably my favorite baby. I chose to take her to the market because 1) she's my favorite (and I'm her favorite), and 2) she's the least likely to cry. Since these kids rarely leave the compound, going to the market is a big deal. In fact, I don't think a volunteer has ever taken a child to the market. Sometimes they will take them to the pool or to church, but to the bustling market? I'm brave. :)

Rachel was her usual quiet self. Maybe stoic is a better word. I'm slowly getting her to talk a little. She's perfectly capable (I've heard it!) but she is moody and stubborn and just won't talk most of the time. My latest accomplishment: about half the time she says "up" when she wants me to pick her up instead of just crying. Yay!

I even got a couple smiles out of her during our hour-long adventure. Mostly she just clung to me and looked around, quietly taking in her surroundings. The dala-dala unnerved her at first (it would unnerve anyone! I'm a little surprised she didn't cry), but I kept my hand on her at all times and she was okay.

I loved it! A good number of the locals at the market commented on the mzungu with the African baby. Some of them asked me in Swahili, "How is your baby?" instead of asking me, "How are you?" One lady was even kind enough to teach me how to respond in Swahili!

This is Rachel's typical expression. But as you see in the picture at the top, she does smile!

1 comment:

Kevin said...

Rachel is such a beautiful little girl! :D I'm glad you are taking out special time to be with her, that must mean so much to her! It's incredible the work you are doing over there Katie! You and your mission are in my prayers!